Sunday In House Gists – Comment Section Gists Boulevard

Sunday In House Gists – Comment Section Gists Boulevard

This is the compilation of some of the gists and happenings on the Blog’s comment sections that you probably were too busy to notice.

On Sunday spontaneous post, CEO, Ezege worldwide,ex somebody’s daughter’s fiance, Teejay Onwa uwa n’ile ranted bitterly about coming home to an empty dining table, eating so much junks because of the absence of a virtuous wife to make healthy, mouth watering dishes for him. 
On sighting his comment, Stella told Teejay to make his relationship life clear. Whether he be single Pringle, engaged, married, separated or divorced because we, his online in-laws and family deserves to know.
Teejay clarified that true true, he was engaged and planning for Easter wedding but the red flags his babe was showing almost choked him. He had to cancel it make e no go enter marriage wey go wound him afterall, a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. Teejay’s back to the dating pool.

On last week’s edition of “gist boulevard”, Stella promised to pay for perfumes for some BVs to support my business. Stella, apatapiti, your iba 1mili. Thanks for all you do. ………….*Serioussideeyes*

Again, on Monday spontaneous post, something that looks like “akara and zobo” appeared on the blog. BVs were very angry, majority were throwing “prayers” at it, many were biting and regretting that they put their mouths in wetin they suppose sidon dey look. Others were looking out on Ezege worldwide, ekwueme, blog’s oxygen and blood, Teejay to see if he go carry out his “threat” of not going to co-exist in the same space with soured milk.

BV Golden Tulip brought an issue that was brought before her to BVs. Apparently, her neighbour drove past his babe during a heavy downpour but couldn’t pick her because his car was already filled up with people and he couldn’t tell anyone to get down or make they lap each other so that he’d pick his LOML. So, his babe come dey vex that baba no rate her by that singular act of his. BVs told Golden Tulip to tell the babe to rest, because there was nothing the guy would have done at that point. Afterall, she no go enter boot.

On Monday in house news, Stella announced that she’s looking for a giveaway list comprising of 20 people that was cancelled because she wants to put smile on the faces of 10 people from the list.

On Monday in house news, Stella commented that the blog needs to be revamped because the kine liars wey use the blog do abode fit raise the dead. She said most of them (liars) slide into people’s DMs because of giveaway wey no go cook correct pot of soup to spread lies about other BVs. She begged them to stop. She also congratulated those that have found bond/sisterhood/friendships to pls, redefine what they share make Dem no dey ship with spies. Stella also said her aim is to build a strong community of people that’ll love and look out for each other but Judas Dem no want that dream to materialize but God pass them.

BV Mao Akuh also brought a very shocking gist that happened in the city of Kano. She said that an EFCC employee, Dan who is also a druggie, a rapist, a chronic womanizer perpetuated his evil act on a poor girl few weeks ago. Mao narrated that the EFCC guy glued the girl’s eyes, drugged, raped her and locked her at the back of his house. He almost got away with it but thanks to the estate’s CCTV cameras that he almost manipulated, his secret was leaked. Even though the police are trying to help him cover his crimes, the evil EFCC guy, Dan has been been revealed to the world.

BVs like Dante, Fidel, Games mistress, and some anons held a solidarity march for celebrity BV, Teejay, begging him to pls come back to the comments section. They told him that if eventually he would stop commenting, no be wren, zobo and wara go chase am.

On Tuesday Spontaneous post, BV Okiroyalty announced to BVs that after putting in some much hardwork and money, she was finally done and dusted with her content video. Some BVs appealed to her to drop her handle so that they’d support her but she ignored.

Odogwu no be guyname, it is achieved by doings. Friends, foes, well-wishers, mockers trooped out enmasse to wish Teejay a happy birthday even in absentia.

BV Shooter gyal announced that she would return to beast mode because it seemed as if her calm nature isn’t appreciated.

On Tuesday in house news, Stella addressed so many things/people without saying/doing too much. She told anyone that wants to leave the blog to leave without having to announce it or threaten her. She said her silence is golden and means so many things so, she wouldn’t give audience to negativity but doesn’t mean that people should shit and want that shit returned to their stomach. Stella also made it known that some kine damages cannot be fixed even if the damager decides to write all the hingrish wey dey this life and that she doesn’t give third chances. Stella boasted that God has and back. And when God dey with you, who can be against you? Absolutely nobody.

Stella dropped a memo for BV Mao Akuh. Apparently, Mao Akuh commented a gist but it wasn’t approved on the blog on time, an Anon commented and started calling Stella a thief. Stella wondered if there are spirits that read/monitored Mao Akuh to know she had a gist that wasn’t posted on time and started calling her a thief. Stella told Mao Akuh “Dey play”. She’s familiar with her games.

An Anon noticed that since the MilkyGate brouhaha and apologies, his “respected elder brother”, blog babalawo, Eesah didn’t say a word. The Anon said Eesah might be anon that told him to leave the blog because it was obvious he wasn’t wanted. Eesah saw the comment and responded, he told the Anon to getat because him be adult and no dey fear anybody. He said he deliberately stayed out of the drama. Another Anon noted BVs about the sudden disappearance of XP when an anon hinted that she didn’t disappear but was sick and was still kneeling.

E be like say BVs the white Enchantress and Dante have scores to settle. BV White Enchantress dragged DNA activist, Dante in a 5 paragraphed comment. She dragged him for his “hatred” over the female gender and the “gutter” attitude he displays constantly on the blog. The dragging was as a result of her name being mentioned by BV Dante while he responded to blog rat apology comment.
Dante responded by telling her ntoor that her pain can be felt from miles away.

BV Castle woke up and decided to drag mango fruit. BVs almost changed it for her.
Omo, gbasgbos just plenty anyhow for that Tuesday in house news, if you mistakenly misstep, missile fit hit you by alleged loyal, benefit BVs, anons, beasts etc.
Mao Akuh denied cursing Stella anonymously when her comments were not posted on time. She said she’d never go the route of ever insulting Stella. We nor no if spirits read her mind and made the anonymous curses.
On Wednesday spontaneous post, one of the Blog’s uncontroversial, loved, old cat, Isaacbaba came back with a motivational post..BVs were very elated to see him. They came out in numbers to welcome him.
Teejay reappeared on the Blog’s comment section with a heartfelt apology. He apologized to Stella for threatening her, he said his aim wasn’t to issue threats at her, he took back his words.
Stella did a very long memo on Wednesday in house news. She addressed the “spirit mind reader commenter and accuser”, she said she would no longer engage IDs unless she’s certain the person behind it is an adult because there are so many uncultured kids on the internet that doesn’t have respect for persons old enough to be their parents. She said some people are really sick and needs mental evaluation but she no be their doctor.Also, she thanked everyone that defended, stood for, supported and still haven’t relented, she told them that they’re the realest MVPs and that she appreciates. Lastly, Stella told BVs that she’s no longer available for bullshits and disrespect. If your head dey touch and you drag her, she’d drag you to the gutters, go low, she goes lower because no one has the monopoly to be mad and if you show her love,  love you’d get in return.
BV Sandra advised Stella to just start a reality show.
BV Marie warned BVs to be weary of a scammer, r#

pist, drug addict that parades himself as an engineer whose name is DAN. Marie said her sister is a victim. An Anon also corroborated that she’s chatting with an engineer, Dan. Marie warned her to desist and gbaa oso ndu.

On Thursday spontaneous post, alleged King, Teejay narrated how a beautiful, curvy, ebony beauty he met in the bus turned down his request for date by telling him directly, “I don’t like you”. He praised the babe for her sincerity by not stringing him along like some amoteks but BVs including his alleged mentor in the dear king ministry told him that the babe was very rude and doesn’t deserve any hype from him. They explained to him that the babe could turn down his date in a more polite way.
On Thursday in house news, Stella told the email address that has been harassing her with mails and trying to gaslight her to be gone as she don block it.
Stella posted her friend turned sister’s picture, Pola. Pola and her breathtakingly beautiful self told BVs that there are so many goodies in store for them if they’re following her on IG @Gorgeous_POLA.
On Thursday in house news, following Teejay’s gist about her very beautiful, curvy, Ebony beauty’s “insult” to his request on going out on a date, BV Miss Aboki asked BVs the rest way to turn a man down without sounding rude or insulting. So many BVs gave her numerous examples. Kindly go to the post to educate yourself if you wish to.

BV Gorgeous Pola acknowledged numerous bvs’ comments gushing about how beautiful she is. She told them to brace up for giveaways and asked them the type of lunch 5k will get them. To the Anon asking if she is single, she replied that she’d been married for 15yrs, 3mths and 3weeks.
SDKblog, is not just a blog but a community where people have found love, gotten gainfully employed, gotten that one connection that catapulted them into greatness, gotten answer to that situation that keeps them up at night. An example of the last sentence is BV Nocturnal, he wrote about how his mom was diagnosed with cancer and how it had been confirmed by various hospitals and different tests carried out. During the period, Stella created a testimony post where BVs were asked to write with faith what they were believing God for, with faith, he wrote that his mom’s cancer disappears and to the glory of God, it did! It was confirmed by various hospitals. His testimony happened years ago. BVs, God lives here, he’ll see you through that helpless situation today.
Till I come your way next week, spread love, read SDKBLOG, leave wahala for who get am.
BVs, pls, patronize my business today, buy for yourself, buy for everyone you know and those you don’t know, thank you.


OnyinGATE i know i promised but how do we go about it? To pay for them is one thing but will they pay for courier services by themselves? cos I wont oh.. And then what if the courier services is more expensive than the perfume? I remember now that this happened with BV Nneka and i had to cancel……First off can we see the perfumes and the cost?


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