Reality TV Star Tacha Told In Controversial Chat That Goodness Is Following Her But Not ‘Mercy’

Reality TV Star Tacha Told In Controversial Chat That Goodness Is Following Her But Not ‘Mercy’

Reality TV Star Tacha Akide recently had an Interview with Isbae .U and the questions he asked her made me shrink in my seat……….

Tacha was a guest on Isbae U’s podcast show and below are excerpts from the Interview….
Isbae U: Do you think being disqualified from Bbnaija saved you from the embarrassment of losing?

Tacha: Laughs

Isbae U: After your disqualification, would you say goodness followed you cause we all know Mercy did not follow you?

Tacha:(Looks at him with disdain)

Isbae U: Nicki Minaj is following you? How? When? Why?

Tacha: Waiting for the mistake to be undone.

Isbae U: You noticed it was a mistake?

Tacha:(nods)it’s a mistake that has been going on for four years now.

Isbae U: I feel like if anybody should follow you, it should be Cardi B because you look like Ikorodu Cardi B…like you play more of Ikorodu Cardi B than Agege Nicki Minaj

Tacha: (Looks at him spitefully)

Isbae U: Is it that you have issues with women that wake up around 4am to cook for their husbands?

Tacha:(cuts in) Or I don’t just have a man

Isbae U: Or you don’t think men deserves to eat around 4am?

Tacha:I think men do not deserve to eat at all.

Isbae U:That explains why you don’t have a man.

I know this is just an Interview but after cleaning up, why allow someone stain your white with these kinda questions? I know its just a show but i find the questions so disrespectful……. And why mention Mercy? Damn!!!


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