Late Singer Mohbad’s Wife Wunmi Disowned By Sister For Being A Liar And Backbiter

Late Singer Mohbad’s Wife Wunmi Disowned By Sister For Being A Liar And Backbiter

E don happen!!!

Late singer Mohbad’s sister in law Karimot In a new video, has declared that she is no longer affiliated with Wunmi, her sister. She explained that she has also disowned their mother….

Karimot revealed that she had stood by her sister’s side when the entire incident with Mohbad happened, but felt betrayed. She narrated how her sister Wunmi had lied to people about certain things and called her out for being a user, and fond  of using people and discarding them when she’s done with them.

Karimot says that she would expose everything she has been enduring to Nigerians soon. In her words, 
“Wunmi, Despite the fact that you never told me anything about your husband (Mohbad) before he passed away, I still stood by you as a sister when the incident happened. Now you are stabbing me at the back. You lied to people I wasn’t the one that made you know Falana, it shall not be well with you. You are a user. You use people and throw them away when you are done with them. I will expose everything I have been enduring to Nigerians. I have disowned you and your mother. She is no longer my mother. She is not a good mother”



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