Labour Room Drama….

Labour Room Drama….

Hello Stella, 

I’ve been a silent fan(read your blog posts everyday, as long as I have a phone and Internet connection). I’m a mother of 3 young ,beautiful children ( images attached for your eyes only). I would like to share my LRD for my last baby( he’s 6 weeks old as of the time I’m writing this).

I grew up in a family of only girls , so I’ve always felt incomplete not having a brother. With this thought in mind, I made up my mind to have only boys when I get married. Fast forward to that……, 1st child girl , 2nd child girl……hmmm, by then I was already disillusioned and made up my mind not to have anymore children due to the fact that I seem to be having only girls. 
Then belle enter again! I was contemplating abortion as per money was tight and we were struggling at times to fend for the two we have. I picked up hope again and started praying it should be a boy. Could go for scans because I didn’t want to know the gender of the baby and also I was trying to save costs.( I’m a teacher who earns below 50k). So with that I didn’t know my due date at all. Still went on teaching as to support in bringing in funds for the home. Suffered severe pelvic pains and spotting throughout the pregnancy.

In the month of March, the pains and spotting increased, but since I have a high threshold for pain, I keep on functioning as if nothing was wrong. By Sunday of the third week, I was bleeding more, hubby invited his parents to plead with me to go the hospital, but I kept on refusing, called a number of people (relatives) to speak to me, but I refused( I wonder why now). Anyways I stay home, went to work the next day, which was Monday, and at the close of day I went for a scan that showed due date would be next month, around 2nd daughter’s birthday day. It should be noted at this time that I had not bought anything and didn’t want to because I felt it would be a girl again, so no difference.
 Tuesday came, I went to work again, closed from work and came home. Towards the evening, I started shivering, sweating and was in serious pains, luckily hubby was at home and I told him I wanted to go the hospital.

On getting there, another drama ensured, as the matron on duty refused to accept me, based on the reason that I was not regular for my ante natal . I was already slipping in and out of pain but couldn’t do anything. Managed to call one of my sister’s to come pick up my daughters. All these while my husband was pleading with them. Then as God would have it, one of the nurses who helped in birthing my 2nd daughter walked in on the scene , she recognized me, and told me and hubby to wait. Then she met the matron, acted as if she was supporting her in her complaints, then finally convinced her to let her, the nurses check me, since I said I was bleeding. 
On get to the theatre, the nurse checked and shouted saying meconium was already leaking out of me and that I could go into labor at anytime. She told the matron it would be risky to send me away at that time of the night (9pm) , she told my husband to go get my things from home, while he left, NEPA as usual took the light and their generator was empty of fuel! . By then I was barely conscious and I was told that at a point of time I slipped into unconsciousness.

When I came around, it was to the sound of a particular gospel song. I asked the nurse if it was time , she took me into the theatre, checked me and said I could push anytime I felt the contractions. Immediately I felt it I pushed and my baby came out in one swoop!. The after birth came out ruptured and it’s contents had to be scooped out of me. Immediately I heard the matron say it’s a boy, I quickly opened my eyes , peeped to confirm, then I slept off!
I give God all the Glory that I now have a son and the stronghold of only females is broken in my lineage forever!!!!!!.
P.S . I didn’t inform my mom I was preggo until I called her from the labor room, that I needed my younger sister to come pick up my girls.
For the first time ever , my mother in law told me she loves me, after she Heard I birthed a boy.
One of my sister in law said they thought I would have a girl again.
I’m happy that even if my mom didn’t have a son of her own( that was one of the reasons my parents marriage failed, and mine was already on the rocks too), she now has a grandson.
I edited some parts out, as I don’t know if my relatives or family members read this blog.
Thank you Stella for the opportunity to share my story.
Wow, thank God for your story, so a Male child saved your Marriage.


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