Apostle Femi Lazarus Gives Men Tips On How To Spot A Non Peaceful Woman

Apostle Femi Lazarus Gives Men Tips On How To Spot A Non Peaceful Woman

This one is strong…Those Ladies who use their monthly period as a means to misbehaving, he has a word to say on this as well as others……You need to read through this post to Understand….

Oh, by the way, this is a message for men *walks away from post*

He said;”Guys watch out for this in the person you want to marry is that you need to learn the heart of peace,now the opposite of a peaceful woman is a contentions woman and I will like to tell the guys that in all honesty the hips won’t matter for long,the pink lips won’t matter for long they are okay,the physique and all those things won’t matter for long at some point in your life when the reality set in you will need peace more than anything else and do you know you can know a peaceful woman before you marry her.
People believe some demonic stuff,can I talk to you a bit. Some demonic stuff like women’s head used to touch, like a woman may not what’s wrong with her, just want to cause trouble. Have you seen things like that,it is demonic,it is not true that’s not your nature, you are not your temperament, temperament are real but you are spirit controlled. 
When I’m having my menstrual flow,I just get angry,I get provoked.I can talk anyhow, you should know that the way I woke up this morning you should know that something is happening so I’m not… shut up
Deborah had menstrual flow in the bible,it didn’t begin with you, Esther had menstrual flow and you are quiet,it looks like pastor you are not understanding what we women go through. I said Esther had menstrual flow in the bible and she was married to a king and she honoured him.
 Talk to me now,she honoured him,I never saw anywhere in the bible were the woman complained that I’m angry with you because I have menstrual flow, you are simply not a peaceful person period. You like wahala, you just like trouble, your mood is not you. You have the holy ghost to…. and I’m saying this listen….listen.Because lack of peace in the home is a master key in the hands of the devil,it will come with a destruction anger and pain just every moment you are at the edge of your breakthrough. As a woman, master peace.”


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