Opening prayers by H.E. Rev. Ray Okocha.

Documentary: *Info Wars*


I want to welcome you to today’s program. We are starting with Season 9, Phase 7. What you just saw is a reminder of the wickedness in our world. It’s sometimes difficult to believe that certain individuals can be so evil. Imagine that your next-door neighbor could be the perpetrator of some heinous crime—it’s hard to fathom.

That’s why it’s important to remember, first, the things that the Bible tells us, and second, history. The most well-known event is the Holocaust, but think also of what happened in Rwanda years ago—neighbors killing each other (Hutus and Tutsis). Think about what happened in Cambodia years ago—who would believe that their own leaders would destroy so many people? History is filled with such horrors.

Then, of course, Mao Zedong. More than 45 million people were killed because of his policy of collectivization. Men have implemented different policies at various times, leading to the deaths of so many. But it’s often hard for people to believe that their leaders could do such things—until it happens, and then it’s too late.

When I talk about corruption, I mean those who lead to the deaths and killings of others, and are heartless. Jesus spoke about this. Wicked men often stigmatize anything that might help you uncover the evil they are doing. They don’t want you to think or use your mind. The ability to be suspicious is a positive thing. They want you to trust the government.

Ronald Reagan once said, “The government is not your friend.” This is because there is no human being called “government.” In reality, government institutions cannot be your friend because they are not people; they are systems.

Matthew 24:1–12 follows several things Jesus had said in previous chapters. He talked about when He would leave and the events that would follow, including the soon destruction of the Temple.
The disciples asked Him three questions:
1. When shall these things be?
2. What shall be the sign of your coming?
3. What shall be the sign of the end of the age?

Jesus begins to answer them in the fourth verse. The first thing He says is, “Don’t be deceived.” Why? Because deception is a real possibility. There is a potential for people to be deceived.

Verse 5 talks about false Christ. Verse 10 mentions hatred and betrayal. Verse 11 warns about false prophets. Now, when Jesus mentions false prophets, you might think of religious figures. But it could be political figures who come pretending to be deliverers or messiahs. There have been many, and there will be more.

Acts 13:6 uses the same term Jesus used, referring to a sorcerer, an oriental scientist—what the Babylonians, Medes, and Persians called astrologers, physicians, wise men, and scientists. Jesus said many such figures would rise and deceive many. They are often connected to people in government power. You won’t find them in the church; they make friends with those in authority.

Verses 7–12 explain that it wasn’t Elymas’s first time trying to prevent people from hearing about Jesus. A government official, Pallus, had called for Barnabas and Saul, desiring to hear the word of God. But when the apostles came, they were opposed by the sorcerer, who tried to prevent them from spreading the gospel.

Often, people in government want to know about Jesus and the truth, but they have a bad influence who tells them, “That’s not good for you.” Paul had to take spiritual action and used words to confront Elymas, putting him in trouble.

Jesus said, “False prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.” This is just like what happened with the vaccines in 2020. They had the vaccines all along and pretended to work hard to create them to save us from COVID-19—the virus they created. They deceived many, claiming that if you got vaccinated, you wouldn’t catch COVID, yet all of them still contracted the virus despite being vaccinated.

Many people have been injured by the vaccines, and they are trying to hide the information. They continue to push their vaccine agenda on the world. This is the deception Jesus warned about.

Matthew 24:11-12 says that iniquity shall abound—there will be much evil, wickedness, and corruption. Many will be tempted to do wrong, and some will even lose their faith.

There is a reason why we cannot sit idly by and allow such things to take hold in our world. Jesus warned us about the Antichrist. The apostles warned us about the Antichrist. The prophets of old warned us about the Antichrist. They told us when this would happen.

Jesus said the days of the Antichrist would be limited. Daniel 8:25 (TLB, NLT, MSG) describes how mayors and governors are often described as being soft on crime. They take severe action against those who do right and set criminals free. This is the spirit of the Antichrist. Daniel 7:25 says that during the days of the Antichrist, he will wear out the saints of the Most High for three and a half years. But if the devil wants more time, he has to start earlier. That’s what he is trying to do now, as the end is near.

According to scripture, there is a period called the Church Age. Immediately after this age, the Antichrist’s reign will begin, especially in the second three and a half years. Based on the scriptural timeline, we are approaching the terminal point of the Church Age, right before the seven-year period of the Antichrist begins. But the Antichrist wants to start his reign during the Church Age. This is our time, and the Lord has given us the power to restrain the forces of evil.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 (ESV, KJV, NIV) talks about the Day of the Lord, a day of judgment. The first horse rider in the Book of Revelation is the Antichrist. Judgment will not begin until the Antichrist is revealed. He is called the man of lawlessness, the man of sin. He will declare himself irreligious, and many will believe him. But eventually, he will declare himself to be God and become an object of worship. This will happen in Jerusalem. He will set up his headquarters in Europe, and then move from Europe to Jerusalem.

Verses 6-7 explain that the Antichrist could have been revealed sooner if not for the restraining power of the Church. We must not let him come or do his work before his time, even though he is eager to. The passage says, “Until he is taken out of the way,” which refers to the church being taken out of this world. This speaks of the rapture—the Church will be taken away, and with it, the restraint on evil.

Aren’t you glad we have the power to hold back and restrain evil? That’s how we restrained them in 2020, and we will continue to do so. Once we are taken out, there will be no more restraint on evil. Make sure you are part of the first flight! When that trumpet sounds, we will check out of here (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).

Remember, their bodies had decomposed long ago, but nothing is ever truly lost. They were simply expanded. Every single element came back together. The dead were seen in the holy city until Christ ascended. The ascension happened in two parts: the first was in the garden, and the second was in the presence of His disciples in Bethany.

Don’t miss the first flight! You have to be prepared—live for Him.

If we are the restrainers of evil, it helps you understand even better what the Bible says about Jesus and about us.

John 9:5—Think of the confidence with which the Lord spoke. That’s the way He wants us to think. As long as we are here, we are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).

1 Thessalonians 5:5 addresses the saints of God in Christ Jesus. If you are a child of light, then you are light. We light up every place we show up. That should be your consciousness. Don’t hide. Don’t be afraid of evil or its workers. They are afraid of you! They are afraid of the truth. Men of truth do not fear lies or others speaking freely. The truth will always overpower lies.

When you tell a lie, you always need more lies to sustain it.

In some countries, they have created bad laws. When a law is bad, it needs to be rejected and abolished. But it takes people of courage. Man was not made for laws; laws were made for man. So if a law is not right, you have to reject and change it. When there is a law against free speech, it should be disallowed. In some countries, they say that if you own a social media platform, you will be held accountable for things said by any individual on that platform that are not right. That is very foolish.

Just recently, Senator Kennedy of the US was questioning the CEO of Facebook. He made a statement: “Platforms like yours are no longer just companies; they are like countries” (paraphrased). In a sense, he was saying to Mark, “You are like the head of a country.” They forced some of those platform owners to accept such responsibility. Doesn’t that mean, by simple correlation, that the president and senators of countries should be held accountable for crimes committed in their countries? But it’s not right. If that is not good, then that law is bad. It is unjust to hold the owners of the platforms responsible for things said on their platforms. It must not be accepted. No one should take it lightly. Free speech should be free even when you don’t like it. God allows men to say anything.

In Genesis, Cain killed his brother Abel. When God asked Cain, “Where is your brother?” he said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” God didn’t kill him; He engaged in dialogue. You respond to words with words. The war against free speech is a pretense, a clandestine effort to make one-sided narratives the dominant voice for one reason only: totalitarianism. Only despots do that. Satan pushes leaders to do that. It’s Satanic. It must not be allowed to continue.

Saints of God, pray against these things. They have no clue what they are doing. What’s happening in Australia, the UK, Ireland, and France is not good. This is a manifestation of Satan. Pray in the churches. There is nothing that God cannot help you with. Those laws must be overthrown. You cannot allow yourself to live in fear. It’s not okay. All of us who are adults were born into a world where many fought tyrants for free speech. We are heirs of a free world. What are you going to bequeath to your children? A world of darkness? A world of fear? Don’t accept or allow it. Even those who are in power, remind yourself that you will not always be there. Use your power to cancel and fight those evil laws. Don’t allow those things. [DAY 2] YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS WITH PASTOR CHRIS

We need to be wise, take action, and not just think that the evil will not come to you (remember the Holocaust). There were perpetrators, collaborators, and enablers. Sometimes, collaborators and enablers do not realize what they are doing. Look at your actions and words. Are you enabling things? First is the mockery, then follow the murders.

In Tacitus’s writings, he described what happened in the days of Emperor Nero after the great fire of Rome. He describes how Christians were mocked. The mockery and the murders went together, the most inhumane treatment that Rome ever saw. We must be very careful. While we can, we must do what the Spirit of God wants us to do. God hears and answers prayers. Our prayers are not just mere religious prayers.

Pray for the nations of the world that their leaders will not cave in to religious manipulation trying to rob the people of their free will. When you lose your free speech, you lose your free will. This deception with the vaccines—let us cut it off in the name of the Lord Jesus. This evil effort to vaccinate people who do not need to be vaccinated. There is no scientific evidence that vaccines ever worked. Vaccines are based on the premise that a healthy person prevents a disease by introducing a disease into them.

How did people ever fall for that foolishness? They say that if you introduce a weakened version of the disease into a healthy person, the person’s immunity would be activated against the disease. But that’s how they introduced sickness into children’s bodies.

𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝗧𝐡𝐞 𝗟𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝗧𝐨 𝗚𝐞𝐭 𝗠𝐨𝐫𝐞;
Take Your Place As A KingPriest




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